01 Aug IMAT Clinical Reports 5.20

IMAT Solutions is proud to announce the Integrated Medical Analytics Technology (IMAT) 5.20 release. This document describes the new features included in the IMAT appliance 5.20 release, and outlines the known issues found in this release.


The IMAT 5.20 release includes several features that makes searching and viewing medical documents more efficient. The IMAT appliance is built on the Perfect Search core technology, which allows for search speeds hundreds of times faster than competitors.


An interactive charting view has been added to this release. The charting view takes the search results that are displayed in a grid view and displays them as interactive charts. Charts allow focusing on sections of information by clicking on parts of a chart to narrow the results. The following chart types are included in this release: pie, bar, line, and column. The chart page shows a history of your interaction with the chart and allows for returning to any previous state of the query.

Patient Views

Viewing a record has been improved by creating Patient Views. A Patient View allows any results tied to a patient ID to be viewed through the Patients tab, including: the original document, other records for that patient, and summary information for the current record.

Reports Tab

The IMAT search interface now includes a Reports tab where all exports and long-running queries can be found. Any export that has been run can be found in the Reports tab for downloading until the user or an administrator deletes the report. Long-running queries can be downloaded, or interacted with, like any single or compound query, in a grid or chart view.

Long-running Queries

Compound queries that run for more than 15 seconds become long-running queries. Long-running queries allow for user input on the desired behavior of the query. This allows the user to name the query for viewing upon completion, wait for the query, or to cancel the query.


A labs field has been added to the Query Builder to allow for searching specific labs and lab ranges. Labs have also been added as a tab in the summary section of a Patient View.

Sets & Sessions

Sessions can be created on a per user basis to store the results of one query as sets of records to be used in another query. This is especially useful with compound queries, because it eliminates transferring result data to the browser, just to have the next query send it back to the appliance as part of a query.

Customizable Facets

String and date facets can now be added from the Administration Console for any string or date field that was included in the parse table at index time. The facets can be customized to include desired bucket sizes for up to 5 drilldown levels.

Taxonomy Facets

The search appliance now supports taxonomy or string facets. This allows fields like gender, city, state, or country to be faceted in the search results. Taxonomy facets are defined from the Administration Console and are used for charts.

Extensions for Admin Console

The Search Appliance Extension system now supports extending the JavaScript in the Administration Console for the creation of additional management screens.

WQM (“dis-max”) Queries

The search appliance now supports WQM queries, a version of the weighted query that determines the score of a document by an algorithm equivalent to the Lucene “disjoint maximum” algorithm (nicknamed “dis-max”). The algorithm sorts all terms in a parenthetical list by score, and the document is scored based on the first term in the list that matches, avoiding the need to search the other terms.

Customizable Number of Records Per Space

Administrators can now specify the expected maximum number of records per space through the configuration files. This feature allows for more optimal memory and disk space usage.

zLib Compression

The Search Server now supports the option of compressing the cached record image of the indexed record and the extracted metadata (title, description, and extract). This feature may significantly reduce the disk footprint of the record image and extracted metadata. Turning this feature on may have a negative effect on indexing speed and retrieval speed because the data must be compressed before the data is written to disk and decompressed after it is read from disk.

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