05 Sep IMAT Clinical Reports 5.30

IMAT Solutions is proud to announce the Integrated Medical Analytics Technology (IMAT) 5.30 release. This document describes the new features included in the IMAT appliance 5.30 release, and issues resolved in this release.


The IMAT 5.30 release includes several features that make searching and viewing medical documents more efficient. The IMAT appliance is built on the Perfect Search core technology, which allows for search speeds hundreds of times faster than competitors.

Record-based Field Extractor

This feature allows the extraction of specific portions of the original record from the cache. The portions of the record can be selected from the query string to select parts of the specific record to add to the search results.

Improvements to cTakes

In this release there is local caching for 1-5 letter words in the look-ups. Search term lookups have also been reduced by eliminating the need to look for both keywords if they only differ by case. The de-duplicate list is shorter and will take less time to go through.

Memory usage has been reduced by sharing the same model across all threads, which saves 1G of RAM and allows more cTakes processes on a single computer.

Filtering Quicktable Entries

A Boolean expression has been added to the query languages that provides a filter for Quicktable fields according to search term(s).

Improvements to the Search Server

The search server has been improved to better utilize memory, as well as cleaning up space usage on long URI searches.

Upgraded Java

The search appliance is now running Open JDK7

Off-box Emitter

An off-box emitter can now be set up to post items to an inbox on a different server.

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