24 Aug IMAT Solutions Announces IMAT Version 5.4

IMAT Solutions, a leading provider of medical data aggregation and analytics solutions for hospitals and health systems, announced a new release of its core software today. This release delivers new functionality which further empowers organizations to move beyond basic data aggregation and analytics to achieve greater control and to recognize savings and efficiencies through data validation and enhanced reporting and analytics interfaces.

Highlights of the new release include:

Enhanced Validation Module

Analytics is driven by data. The ability to ensure the quality of the data being used is therefore of crucial importance. Through IMAT’s enhanced data validation module, users are able to identify and correct integrity and quality issues at the source and ensure that only the highest quality of data is utilized across the organization.

The validation module allows users to effectively validate the data aggregated in their warehouse.

Record Validation – Record validation allows users to use search queries to validate the accuracy of their data. Searches can be run based on facility, record type, data storage location, or search terms.

Random Records – Random Records allows users to select a number of random records to return from the system. This is a true random sampling of all the records in the system. These records can be reviewed for accuracy to see how the data has been ingested. Random record validation can be run on data constrained by facility, record type, data location, or number of records to return.

Record View – IMAT Validation shows a detailed view at the record level. Each field will show what data has been populated, as well as showing where the data came from in the original record. The record view also contains a sections view which shows all the sections that are currently identified in the record. Selecting one of the sections will highlight that section name in the original document as well as the entire section that was identified.

Dashboard Module

IMAT’s Data Warehouse now includes a customizable dashboard as the home screen, giving users more seamless access to the data and reporting what is most important to them from a central location.

Customizable – IMAT enables users to create tiles that link to different product modules, saved reports, queries, and even other websites.

View Only Mode – Depending on user role, each dashboard component can be set to a non-editable view only mode.

Default Dashboard – A system-level dashboard can be customized for the appliance as the default screen for anyone who logs in.

Consolidated Patient Chart Family Concept Summary

Based on user roles and privileges, the Consolidated Patient Chart has been expanded to now allows users to view pertinent information about a patient’s family medical history.


Kurt Garbe, CEO of IMAT Solutions, had the following to say about the new release: “IMAT has always had a next generation engine, and this patented technology has driven many of our other innovations. It has enabled us to outperform the competition in all core areas related to indexing and search; areas such as full content analytics, unstructured data integration, true interoperability across large scale health systems, and real time reporting.

We are excited about this software release because it delivers user interface and usability improvements to enable our clients to more seamlessly interface with the technology and derive true value from the reporting and analytics platform.”

About IMAT Solutions

Founded in 2007, IMAT Solutions began with building the world’s fastest, most accurate search technology and then coupled it with innovations in handling and utilizing medical data. IMAT is composed of a selection of modules that allow organizations to tailor the product to their needs. www.imatsolutions.com

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