19 Aug Health Data News Roundup: Blue Shield of California and Telehealth; Medicare Advantage and Single Payer Systems: and SHIEC 2019 Kicks Off

Welcome to the Health Data Weekly News Round Up from IMAT Solutions. As the power of data continues to grow in the healthcare arena, today’s care organizations need to be on the forefront of all news and trends to help ensure that their data analytics efforts deliver accountable and informed care. Each week, we will provide you with the actionable news you need to meet these goals.

How Payers Transition from Reactive to Preventive Care
As the industry continues to shift toward preventive care, payers are using community intervention, community activation, screenings, and technology to pursue more holistic care.

Employers Focus on High-Cost Claims, Drug Spending into 2020
Thirty-nine percent of employers will be focusing more strategically on high-cost claims by 2020, according to a study by the National Business Group on Health (NBGH).

CA Blues Plan Expands Use of Home Visits, Telehealth
Blue Shield of California is partnering with a company that is making use of telehealth services to enable follow-up care for home care visits by physicians.

VA Releases Tool for Better Integrating Agency’s Dozens of Apps
The Department of Veterans Affairs has launched the Swiss Army knife of mobile apps, organizing VA health information and resources into five separate categories.

MGMA Urges CMS to Implement Rules to Further Patients Over Paperwork
MGMA recently stated its opinion that CMS has collected more than enough information from healthcare industry stakeholders to inform regulations that reduce administrative burden on providers, and should focus on implementing rules to further Patients Over Paperwork rather than gathering more information.

Medicare Advantage Gives Insight into Single Payer Systems
Medicare Advantage’s annual gross margins are about twice as high as individual or group plans, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) study.

Health Information Exchange After 10 Years: Time For A More Assertive, National Approach
Here’s a recent Health Affairs editorial about how we need to take a more national approach to health data exchange.

SHIEC 2019: IMAT Solutions Providing Health Data Clarity and Confidence for HIEs
This week, IMAT Solutions will be showcasing how it provides data clarity and confidence for HIEs at SHIEC 2019. Learn more about this here.

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