29 May Reliance eHealth Collaborative Leverages the IMAT Solutions Health Data Platform


IMAT’s Health Data Platform Serves as Foundation for All HIE Initiatives


May 29, 2019, Orem, UT – IMAT Solutions, a leader in delivering innovative, real-time, healthcare data management and population health reporting solutions, announced that Reliance eHealth Collaborative, a growing health information exchange (HIE) in the Pacific Northwest, is leveraging IMAT’s comprehensive health data platform for expanding its service offerings.


Supporting Reliance’s mission of facilitating patient-centered care that promotes better health and provides value through secure and trusted information sharing, IMAT Solutions’ functionality serves as the underlying data management and analytic solution for all HIE initiatives.


“The IMAT Virtual Health Record takes advantage of IMAT’s flexible data platform, which allows Reliance to rapidly incorporate new and diverse data in the longitudinal patient view,” said Erick Maddox, Executive Director, Reliance eHealth Collaborative. “This flexibility provides Reliance the capacity to adapt to our regions dynamic care coordination and transformation needs.”


Reliance is deploying the IMAT Virtual Health Record for enhancing overall provider engagement – offering a 360-degree view of the patient across the continuum of care. The HIE will also be incorporating claims and pharmacy fill data into the IMAT Virtual Health Record to improve patient care, coordination and safety by reducing drug diversion, inappropriate use and improve medication reconciliation.


“Reliance is the prime example of an HIE that is effectively enhancing the quality of its data to help best support its overall care mission,” said Kurt Garbe, CEO of IMAT Solutions. “As such, it can dramatically expand available service offerings by making all data sources fully actionable to help facilitate the timely delivery of preventative care strategies.”


Reliance employs the safe, secure, electronic exchange of health information among more than 300 medical practices, hospitals, care facilities, and payers. By using IMAT, the HIE allows participants across the Pacific Northwest to gain access to critical health information with a broader picture of their patients’ health status and events.



About Reliance eHealth Collaborative
Reliance eHealth Collaborative is a non-profit community-based health information exchange founded in 2011, originally formed by a group of hospitals and health systems in Medford Oregon to solve the problem of sharing data between their organizations and others in the region. Since its inception, Reliance has grown significantly and today has broad participation from the full range of health care settings to include behavioral health and social service organization throughout the Pacific Northwest. Reliance offers HIE services to include longitudinal community health record access, HIE integrated electronic referrals access, HISP services, behavioral health data integration and exchange and data analytic services. To learn more about Reliance eHealth Collaborative, visit http://www.reliancehie.org.


About IMAT Solutions
IMAT Solutions was formed in 2013 to provide key innovations in data accessibility, analysis, and reporting to healthcare organizations. The product suite is HIPAA-compliant, supporting customers across thirteen states, processing billions of records per year for more than 3,500 facilities, involving 30 million patients and 35,000 providers. IMAT enables clients to improve patient care and care coordination, increase quality of care delivery at a lower cost. It addresses the challenge of managing, normalizing and querying huge data sets in real-time, enabling users to access structured and unstructured (physician’s notes, transcripts) patient information. IMAT’s modules make it a flexible solution that can be tailored to each organization’s needs and increase the value of current investments. To learn more about IMAT Solutions, visit: https://imatsolutions.com