The IMAT C3 Framework: Enhancing Data Confidence for HIEs, Payers, Hospitals, Clinics and ACOs


It’s no secret that the healthcare arena is challenged when it comes to accessing and leveraging data for all care, reporting, financial, and compliance efforts. This often comes down to health data not being fully comprehensive, clean or current. Untimely, incomplete and inaccurate data leads to a lack of data confidence, and makes it nearly impossible to make sound decisions.


Taking inspiration from the Triple Aim concept of health data, the IMAT C3 Framework tackles these challenges by ensuring that all data is Clean (C1), Current (C2) and Complete (C3).


C1 Clean

Whether it’s structured or unstructured data, care organizations need to operate with all clinical and research data being fully cleansed, consistent, normalized, validated, and optimized – on a continuous basis.

C2 Current

Care organizations need to have data be fully current, integrated with other systems, and leverage evolving data sources, which are fully accessible for driving near real-time decision-making.

C3 Complete

Today’s care organizations need to have access to all of the data – whether its historical, structured or unstructured — that is available in the source records to drive insights into the full continuum of care and ensure robust reporting.


Are you fully confident in your health data management efforts?


Contact IMAT Solutions today to find out how your organization can meet the objectives behind the C3 Framework.

Take the IMAT Data Confidence Index (DCI) survey, a simple and easy-to-use survey of 28 questions that will provide candid insights into where and how you can improve your overall health data management efforts.