24 Sep Health Data News Roundup: Retrieving Medical Records for North Carolina Residents; Payers and Quality Transparency; and Pros and Cons of AI

Welcome to the Health Data Weekly News Roundup from IMAT Solutions. As the power of data continues to grow in the healthcare arena, today’s care organizations need to be on the forefront of all news and trends to help ensure that their data analytics efforts deliver accountable and informed care. Each week, we will provide you with the actionable news you need to meet these goals.

etHIN Establishes Connection to North Carolina HIE to Support Medical Records Exchange for Evacuees
Last week, East Tennessee Health Information Network (etHIN) and North Carolina’s statewide health information exchange NC HealthConnex, finalized an emergency connection to support the medical records needs of North Carolina residents who evacuated to Tennessee to escape Hurricane Florence.

IMAT Solutions Helps etHIN to Retrieve Medical Records for North Carolina Residents
As follow up to the news above, etHIN worked with IMAT Solutions to enable an eHealth Exchange connection with North Carolina in preparation of the storm. This allowed providers in East Tennessee to retrieve medical records for North Carolina residents who were seeking care after evacuation.

Payers Play Crucial Role in Healthcare Quality Transparency
Payers will need to take the lead in being transparent about healthcare quality and costs in order to improve patient safety and reduce unnecessary spending, experts told the Senate HELP Committee.

Data Standards, API Development Will Support Health Data Exchange
Shared data standards and industry-wide adoption of application programming interfaces (APIs) will be key to promoting improved health data exchange, according to a new study.

EHR Design, Interoperability Top List of Physician Pain Points
Problems with EHR design and interoperability are primary causes of physician dissatisfaction, according to a survey from the America’s Physicians by the Physician’s Foundation.

In the Emerging World of Risk-Based Contracting, Data Analytics Is a Foundational Necessity
As patient care organizations engage in more rigorous and challenging risk-based contracts, the need to leverage data and analytics to support value-based care delivery operations is becoming paramount.

Arguing the Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Artificial intelligence is a hot topic in healthcare, sparking an ongoing debate about the ethical, clinical, and financial pros and cons of relying on algorithms for patient care.

Montana Seeks to Roll Out Statewide HIE in 2019
The State of Montana is creating the Big Sky Care Connect HIE, which will expand on a pilot effort already under way in Billings.

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