12 Nov Health Data News Roundup: Humana and Data Success; Congress and Maternal Data Sharing; Epic EHR and Provider Satisfaction

Welcome to the Health Data Weekly News Roundup from IMAT Solutions. As the power of data continues to grow in the healthcare arena, today’s care organizations need to be on the forefront of all news and trends to help ensure that their data analytics efforts deliver accountable and informed care. Each week, we will provide you with the actionable news you need to meet these goals.

Geographic Data Analytics Identifies Health System Leakage Patterns
Health systems with incomplete patient records can use geographic data to identify patients who may be receiving care at external organizations, which could improve care management and reduce system leakage, according to a new study.

Congress Seeks Better Data Sharing to Trim Maternal Mortality
Lawmakers are trying address a deficiency of data when it comes to understanding an alarming spike in U.S. maternal mortality by enabling states to participate in nationwide information sharing.

Humana CMO: Data Critical to Success in Value-Based Care
Humana has an extensive and growing value-based care presence, and is looking for ways to better use its data as the healthcare industry moves from fee-for-service to pay-for-performance models.

Socioeconomic Data Will Play Key Role in Population Health for Minorities
As the healthcare industry continues its slow and steady shift to holistic care, more organizations are beginning to understand that they must integrate socioeconomic data into their analytics and population health management initiatives.

Employer-Sponsored Medicare Advantage Enrollment Up 12 Percent for 2019
Employer-sponsored Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment for plan year 2019 increased by 12 percent, representing a bump of more than 443,000 individual members.

Commercial, Managed Care Insurance Sectors Profits Boom in Q3
Commercial and managed care payers experienced significant third quarter profits, reductions in healthcare spending, and enrollment growth, according to the latest financial statements from insurance companies.

EHR Medication Lists Lack Accuracy, May Threaten Patient Safety
EHR medication lists are often inaccurate and incomplete, opening the door for adverse drug reactions, un-informed clinical decision-making, and poor medication monitoring, according to a new study.

Epic EHR Ranked Highest for Provider Satisfaction Worldwide
Epic EHR is currently dominating the worldwide EHR market in overall user experience, with nearly 90 percent of all surveyed international users reporting high rates of provider satisfaction, according to KLAS.

The Opportunities and Challenges of Data Analytics in Health Care
The Brookings Institution is offering this report about how data analytics tools have the potential to transform healthcare in many different ways.

CMS Extends Medicare Advantage Audit Program in 2019 Rule
CMS will be continuing its Medicare Advantage audit program, the agency indicated in a proposed 2019 rule, in an effort to ensure program integrity and reduce inappropriate payments to insurers.

Consumer Demand for High-Deductible Health Plans Dwindles
Consumer demand for high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) is expected to decline in 2019 as more beneficiaries look for health plans with customized benefits instead, according to a new study.

FHIR Testing Tools Can Foster Interoperability, Health Data Exchange
FHIR validation and testing tools can reduce variations in implementation, thus supporting interoperability and health data exchange, according to the ONC.

How IT Support Streamlines EHR Optimization, Boosts EHR Usability
Investing in IT services can help shorten the adjustment period that follows EHR optimization and system upgrades for improved EHR usability.

93 Percent of Healthcare Execs Seeking Improved Data Analytics
Healthcare organizations looking to improve the quality of their data assets are actively seeking ways to leverage data for clinical analytics and population health management, according to a new poll from Black Book.

7 Health Information Exchanges Connect to Military Health System
Providers at the Military Health System (MHS) will now have access to patient EHRs from seven physician-led health information exchanges (HIEs) across the country to enable well-informed care delivery.

Most Wired Shows Hospitals Have Mixed Success Integrating Data
A new survey found that a wealth of electronic data now being collected in electronic health records systems and through digital technologies, but organizations now face the complex task of bringing the data together efficiently.

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