26 Nov Health Data News Roundup: HHS and Social Determinants of Health; Anthem and Population Health Efforts; and AI Trends for 2019

Woman doctor watching vital sign with tablet PC.

Welcome to the Health Data Weekly News Round Up from IMAT Solutions. As the power of data continues to grow in the healthcare arena, today’s care organizations need to be on the forefront of all news and trends to help ensure that their data analytics efforts deliver accountable and informed care. Each week, we will provide you with the actionable news you need to meet these goals.

HHS Sets Sights on Addressing Social Determinants of Health

Social determinants of health are at the root of much of the spending in the industry and HHS is taking notice.

How Anthem Foundation Uses Data, Population Health Techniques to Target Major Issues

With more than $53 million in grants awarded, the Anthem Foundation has used social mapping and population health techniques to improve and save lives.

HHS Looks to Medicaid Demonstrations to Improve Mental Health

HHS Secretary Azar recently spoke to the importance of Medicaid demonstrations in addressing mental health for adults and children.

How Health Information Exchanges Can Boost EHR Patient Matching

Ensuring high levels of accuracy in EHR patient matching across healthcare organizations is increasingly critical as stakeholders work to improve interoperability, increase health information exchange (HIE) adoption, and promote health data exchange nationwide.

Regulatory Uncertainty Continues to Disrupt ACA Marketplaces

Despite projected increases in payer participation in ACA marketplaces in the coming year, regulatory changes could easily usher in future exits.

Health Data Exchange Helps Identify Disparities in Hypertension Care

Health data exchange may be to enable healthcare organizations to identify common disparities in hypertension care across facilities for better-informed quality improvement efforts and more effective practice-based interventions, according to a new study.

5 Trends to Expect for Artificial Intelligence in 2019

Expect to see major changes in how organizations use AI, the rise of new ‘digital workers’ and increased competition for data professionals with AI skills, according to Forrester Research.

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