20 Apr Health Data News Roundup: COVID-19 Spending and Payers; HIEs Boosting Interoperability; and IMAT Referenced in Gartner Payer Report

Welcome to the Health Data Weekly News Roundup from IMAT Solutions. As the power of data continues to grow in the healthcare arena, today’s care organizations need to be on the forefront of all news and trends to help ensure that their data analytics efforts deliver accountable and informed care. Each week, we will provide you with the actionable news you need to meet these goals.

COVID-19 Healthcare Spending Forces Difficult Choices for Payers
Coronavirus will affect payers’ healthcare spending in a variety of ways, which leaves Medicaid, Medicare, and private payers with challenging decisions to make.

Medicare Advantage Plans Target Social Isolation In New Programs
Cigna and SCAN Health Plan’s Medicare Advantage programs are focused on decreasing senior social isolation during the coronavirus pandemic through new programs and funding, relying on volunteers and community partnerships.

Health Information Exchanges Boost Interoperability in COVID-19
Health information exchanges (HIEs) across the country are making changes to improve patient data exchange amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

An Overview of the FFCRA, CARES Act Coronavirus Testing Rules
CMS has issued guidance for private health plans regarding coverage for coronavirus diagnostic testing and relevant products and procedures.

Michigan HIE Expands Coverage Area Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Michigan Health Information Network (MiHIN) Shared Services is aiming to widen its digital footprint by working hand-in-hand with Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) as part of its COVID-19 pandemic response.

Centene Program Helps Providers with Grant Writing, Business Loans
Centene has created a support program to assist its network providers with grant writing, small business loan applications, and other key activities.

Human Scribes Still Trump Digital Scribes in EHR Documentation
Although a well-designed EHR scribe eases clinician burnout, developers are facing issues that make it tough to completely abolish the use of a human scribe, according to a study published in the Journal of Informatics in Health and Biomedicine

IMAT Solutions Named in Gartner’s Healthcare Payer CIOs, Leverage Vendor Partners to Succeed at Clinical Data Integration Report
Last week, we announced that IMAT Solutions was named in a refresh of the Gartner report: “Healthcare Payer CIOs, Leverage Vendor Partners to Succeed at Clinical Data Integration Report.”

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