08 Jun Health Data News Roundup: COVID-19 Healthcare Spending; BCBS and ACA Marketplaces; and IMAT Named in Gartner Payer Report

Welcome to the Health Data Weekly News Roundup from IMAT Solutions. As the power of data continues to grow in the healthcare arena, today’s care organizations need to be on the forefront of all news and trends to help ensure that their data analytics efforts deliver accountable and informed care. Each week, we will provide you with the actionable news you need to meet these goals.

COVID-19 Healthcare Spending Hinges On Hospitalization Rates
As payers setting rates for 2021 seek greater clarity on coronavirus costs, experts warned that the direct medical COVID-19 healthcare spending could range from $163.4 billion to $654 billion.

Cigna Care Card Lets Employers Support Members During COVID-19
Cigna has launched Cigna Care Card to help employers provide extra financial support to their employees during the coronavirus pandemic, the payer announced.

COVID-19 Impacts on Risk Pool, Costs Stir Rate Setting Uncertainty
The coronavirus pandemic impacts on the individual health insurance market risk pool and healthcare costs for 2021 are infusing uncertainty into the 2021 rate setting process, according to America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP).

BCBS Companies Hold Almost 50% of Market Share on ACA Marketplaces
The federal and state health insurance marketplaces are dominated by Blue Cross Blue Shield-affiliated companies, and there has also been a dramatic shift in enrollment from national and regional payers to Medicaid.

Insurers Concerned Over How CMS Will Calculate Medicare Advantage Star Ratings In Next 2 Years
The Trump administration’s effort to lower the administrative burden on providers may have an inadvertent effect on calculating star ratings for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, insurers say.

Health Information Exchange Dashboard Tracks COVID-19 Next Steps
The State of Indiana is using patient data from its EHR COVID-19 dashboard and health information exchange to reopen on a county-by-county basis, rather than a statewide strategy.

EHRs, Interoperability Must Evolve to Integrate Genomic Data
As genomic data becomes more prevalent and complex, EHRs must adapt and evolve to provide better patient care, according to a statement released by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG).

Mississippi Set to Launch State-Wide Health Information Exchange
The Mississippi Hospital Association (MHA) has established a state-wide health information exchange (HIE) that aims to increase interoperability and enhance the connection between Mississippi hospitals and physicians as they transition toward value-based care.

IMAT Solutions Named in Gartner’s “U.S. Healthcare Payer CIOs Boost Medicare Advantage Star Ratings Using Engagement Hubs and Insights” Report
IMAT Solutions was named in a refresh of the Gartner report: “U.S. Healthcare Payer CIOs Boost Medicare Advantage Star Ratings Using Engagement Hubs and Insights Report.”

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