03 Aug Health Data News Roundup: The Sequoia Project Information Blocking Boot Camp; HealtHIE Nevada News; and Employer-Sponsored Plans

Welcome to the Health Data Weekly News Roundup from IMAT Solutions. As the power of data continues to grow in the healthcare arena, today’s care organizations need to be on the forefront of all news and trends to help ensure that their data analytics efforts deliver accountable and informed care. Each week, we will provide you with the actionable news you need to meet these goals.

The Sequoia Project Launches Information Blocking Boot Camp
The Sequoia Project has created the Information Blocking Compliance Boot Camp and free public resource center to help prepare and train healthcare and health IT organizations for to comply with the upcoming ONC interoperability rule.

Health Information Exchange Sees Participation Surge Amid COVID-19
HealtHIE Nevada has added 50 percent more patients to its database, increasing patient data exchange during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 May Impact Employer-Sponsored Plans Less Than Expected
The negative impact to employer-sponsored plans in the final three quarters of 2020 could be lower than anticipated largely because coronavirus impacts have concentrated on lower income populations, according to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

How Employers, Payers Can Partner through the Workplace Transition
More than six in ten employers said that they would be partnering with their healthcare payer in the workplace transition back to the office, according to a new survey.

High EHR Inbox Volume is the Leading Cause of Clinician Burnout
Increased clinician workload, primarily due to a high volume of patient call messages in the EHR inbox, is the predominant cause of clinician burnout, according to a study JAMIA.

Los Angeles HIE Integrates Data into Health Services Platform
The Los Angeles Network for Enhanced Services (LANES), a nonprofit health information exchange (HIE), announced a partnership with Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS) to integrate its secure health information exchange (HIE) data into the DHS empaneled life management (ELM) platform.

How to Manage Chronic Disease Through Technology, Member Trust
By leveraging existing technologies and helping payer members feel like they are not being judged, payers can more effectively empower members to manage chronic disease.

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