10 Apr Health Data News Roundup: Increase in 2024 Medicare Advantage Payments; Medicare Advantage Has Higher Clinical Quality; and Nebraska HIE Expands PDMP Use

Welcome to the Health Data Weekly News Roundup from IMAT Solutions. As the power of data continues to grow in the healthcare arena, today’s care organizations need to be on the forefront of all news and trends to help ensure that their data analytics efforts deliver accountable and informed care. Each week, we will provide you with the actionable news you need to meet these goals.

HHS Finalizes 3.32 Percent Increase in 2024 Medicare Advantage Payments
HHS has finalized the 2024 Medicare Advantage and Part D rate announcement, which includes a 3.32 percent increase in Medicare Advantage payments.

6 Reactions to CMS’ Final Risk Adjustment Changes
Becker’s Payer Issues has complied feedback from six payer industry players about their perspectives on the final Medicare Advantage rate notice for 2024.

Medicare Advantage Has Lower Healthcare Use, Higher Clinical Quality
Healthcare utilization was lower in Medicare Advantage compared to traditional Medicare, but clinical quality performance was higher in the private program, a study published in Health Affairs found.

Out-of-Pocket Spending for Pediatric Hospitalizations Reached $3,000
Out-of-pocket spending for pediatric hospitalizations was higher for those covered by high-deductible health plans and exceeded $3,000 for one in seven hospitalizations, according to a new JAMA study.

Nebraska HIE Expands PDMP Use for Public Health Surveillance
As an early adopter of PDMP, Nebraska’s statewide HIE CyncHealth used its existing PDMP infrastructure and expanded its capabilities to collect and report medications beyond traditional controlled substances.

Markets With The Highest Medicare Advantage Adoption Rates
Analyst group Chartis has compiled a list of metropolitan areas where more than 65 percent of Medicare-eligible people choose Medicare Advantage, and Rochester, N.Y., and Rio Grande City Texas top the list.


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