17 Apr Health Data News Roundup: ONC Releases Interoperability Proposed Rule; Payer Stocks Rebound; and Outcomes-Based Contracts for Payers

Welcome to the Health Data Weekly News Roundup from IMAT Solutions. As the power of data continues to grow in the healthcare arena, today’s care organizations need to be on the forefront of all news and trends to help ensure that their data analytics efforts deliver accountable and informed care. Each week, we will provide you with the actionable news you need to meet these goals.

ONC Releases Proposed Rule to Further Cures Act Interoperability Goals
The ONC has released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for public comment on proposals to implement certain provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act and make several enhancements to the ONC Health IT Certification Program to advance interoperability.

AHIP: More Medicare Beneficiaries Have Medicare Supplement Insurance
More Medicare beneficiaries are purchasing Medicare Supplement insurance, as the share of individuals with the additional coverage option grew from 38 percent to 41 percent in 2021, according to an AHIP report.

Civitas Releases Framework for Health Data Utility (HDU) Adoption
Civitas Networks for Health has released a Health Data Utility (HDU) Framework developed in partnership with the Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC).

58 Percent of Payers Use Outcomes-Based Contracts for Prescription Drugs
More than half of health payers used an outcomes-based contract in 2022, with most preferring contracts with both claims-based and clinical outcomes, according to a recent study.

Personalized Outreach Impacts ACA Enrollment Among Low Income Households
Personalized outreach could improve enrollment in the lowest-cost Affordable Care Act plans among low-income households, a study published in Health Affairs found.

Alaska DOH Awards State HIE New Contract to Further Interoperability
Alaska’s Department of Health (DOH) has awarded the state’s health information exchange (HIE), healtheConnect Alaska, a new contract to expand its interoperability services.

Payer Stocks Could Rebound After a Slow Start to 2023
Investors are warming up to payers after Medicare Advantage worries drove a slow start to the year. Much of this is being driven by the final Medicare Advantage rates for 2024, which boosted reimbursement rates higher than originally projected and phased in major changes to risk adjustment.

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