Digital Health Investments Enhance Member Satisfaction for Payers - IMAT Solutions
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28 Jun Digital Health Investments Enhance Member Satisfaction for Payers

Health payer executives are realizing that innovation advancements are enhancing member engagement and access to healthcare services, according to the recently launched EY Health Pulse Survey.

The survey of 56 health insurance company executives involved with digital health within their organizations points to how technologies are enhancing overall member engagement – and translating this into tangible improvements in care.

In addition, payer executives report that members have a heightened sense of control over their health management and are encountering fewer obstacles when seeking health information.

This momentum is driving more investments into innovation for health payers.

For example, 91 percent of respondents currently have capabilities or are planning to invest in growing their capabilities in integrating data across various digital health tools to personalize or increase member engagement.

However, for any health payer, return-on-investment (ROI) is critical when adopting new technologies. Earlier this year, another EY study highlighted how seven in 10 payer executives had yet to see ROI on their digital investments.

Fortunately, the IMAT Flexible Payer Solution enables health payers to maximize the value of their clinical data, enhancing revenue generation, improving member care through a patient-centered approach, and reducing costs and risks, all while ensuring compliance with regulatory mandates.

Health payers investing in clinical data sharing can expect a range of benefits, including significant cost savings, enhanced care coordination, regulatory compliance, improved member satisfaction, and support for value-based care models. The following examples are conservative ROI estimates based on a 100K member roster:

Case Management: Early disease detection, COPD interventions and diabetes interventions can each achieve a cost-savings of $1.8 million. Meanwhile, obesity interventions can achieve a Per Member Per Month (PMPM) billing of $1.2 million.

Quality Measurement: Improvements in quality health plan ratings and increases in Medicare Advantage Star ratings can increase revenue by $1.3 million.

Medical Affairs: The reduction in duplicative testing and automated chart retrieval can achieve a cost-savings of $1.8 million.

Ultimately, the IMAT Flexible Payer Solution boosts care outcomes for population health management, as well as enhances operational risk management – while providing a data-driven decision process for achieving value-based care goals.

Are you ready to leverage a digital health solution that enhances business and patient outcomes? Please contact us to learn more about the IMAT Flexible Payer Solution for health payers.

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