15 Jun Health Data News Roundup: Payers, SDOH and Population-Based Data; HHS COVID-19 Data Reporting; and Payer Spending

Welcome to the Health Data Weekly News Roundup from IMAT Solutions. As the power of data continues to grow in the healthcare arena, today’s care organizations need to be on the forefront of all news and trends to help ensure that their data analytics efforts deliver accountable and informed care. Each week, we will provide you with the actionable news you need to meet these goals.

Addressing Social Determinants of Health Requires Population-Based Data
Community Health Plan Washington is leveraging population health management tools across its community health centers to better address patient social determinants of health.

HHS Unveils Detailed COVID-19 Guidance to Enhance Data Reporting
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced standardized COVID-19 data reporting guidelines to ensure public health officials have access to comprehensive and accurate patient data in an effort to fight the pandemic.

Payer COVID-19 Healthcare Spending for 2020, 2021 May Hit $546.6B
Experts slightly lowered their estimate for payer COVID-19 healthcare spending to a high of $546.6 billion based in part on adding delayed care savings, according to a study by Wakely Contracting Group.

Total Medicaid Expansion May Cut Uninsurance, Uncompensated Care
If all of the nonexpansion states adopted Medicaid expansion, thus establishing total Medicaid expansion nationwide, there would be a 28 percent reduction in uninsurance, according to the Urban Institute.

How to Promote Health Equity Through EHR Patient Portals, Mobile Apps
Technology access, digital health literacy, and inclusive design are major health IT roadblocks that interfere with promoting health equity since the debut of the ONC interoperability rule, according to an article published in JAMA Network.

Pros and Cons of Prior Authorization for Value-Based Contracting
Across the healthcare industry, stakeholders have voiced various views on the advantages and disadvantages of prior authorizations for value-based contracting initiatives.

How Cold Calling Revealed COVID-19 Social Determinants of Health
A community outreach effort out of Massachusetts General Hospital has outlined a number of key area health needs, underscoring the outsized role the social determinants of health have taken on during the pandemic.

Role of Health Data Analytics in Post COVID-19 World
In the post-COVID world, care systems will continue to be under pressure to leverage increasing amounts of validated patient data, as highlighted in this recent IMAT blog post.

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