02 Sep Healthy People 2030 Elevates Social Determinants of Health

With the mission of promoting, strengthening and evaluating our nation’s efforts to improve the health and well being of all people, HHS’ Healthy People 2030 is also elevating the value of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) in bringing this effort to life.

According to a recent Patient Engagement IT article, HHS is using Healthy People 2030 to continue the agency’s work to address SDOH, such as economic stability, educational access and quality, access to care and quality of care, neighborhood, and the social and community context.

Under the a larger SDOH umbrella, HHS plans to look at health IT, community and environmental health, housing and homes, health policy, the healthcare payer landscape, schools, and numerous other sectors to paint a more comprehensive picture of the patient.

This approach is certainly also gaining traction for payers. For example, as SDOH and population health efforts continue to come into the forefront for payers, the right health data management tools can serve as the foundation.

IMAT Solutions’ robust data management platform helps payers to better align claims and clinical systems to inform and drive new SDOH and population health initiatives, as well as help to measure the outcomes of these efforts.

Leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP), IMAT customers have been able to identify SDOH indicators that already exist within their data to better identify those at risk. From Provider Dashboards to Business Intelligence tools to longitudinal patient charts, IMAT’s Health Data Analytic capabilities can transform population health and risk management for payers.

To learn more about how payers can best harness their data for improved analytics, interoperability and outcomes, please click here.


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