30 Nov Value-Based Alternative Payment Models Growing in Popularity

The Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network (LAN) recently released its annual survey that tracks how payers and providers adopt value-based alternative payment models.

Designed to understand how today’s healthcare ecosystem is moving away from a system based on volume of service to the value of care provided, the survey found that 40 percent of payers are using value-based alternative payment models.

“Value-based models for delivering care are essential for putting the patient first, creating aligned incentives that reward everyone for helping patients get healthier faster, and stay healthier longer,” said Matt Eyles, President and CEO of AHIP, in this statement about the survey. “Health insurance providers are committed to guiding greater health through innovative payment models and collaborative relationships, so that together, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.”

Payers are also leveraging value-based care arrangements to improve health equity. For example, 46 percent of these payers are incentivizing providers to collect standardized race, ethnicity, and language data. Thirty seven percent are incentivizing screening for socioeconomic barriers.

Once this data is collected, these payers who are embracing value-based alternative payment models have the opportunity to aggregate this data to best meet member care needs.

For example, IMAT Flexible Payer Solution is an easy-to-use, one-stop-offering that allows health payers to gain optimal results from their clinical and SDOH data by taking a patient centered approach to enhance overall member care.

Clinical Data Integration (CDI) is the foundation for the DaaS offering. IMAT Solutions was recently highlighted as a CDI vendor in Gartner’s “Clinical Data Integration Capabilities and Sourcing Recommendations for U.S. Healthcare Payers” report.

Are you looking to advance alternative value-based payment models, and need to enhance care quality through health data aggregation and validation? Please contact us to learn more about the IMAT Flexible Payer Solution for health payers.


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