11 Oct CMS Wants to Expand Medicare Shared Savings Program
Last month during the NAACOS Fall 2023 Conference, Jon Blum, Principal Deputy Administrator and COO for CMS, stated that the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) is the core engine for expanding accountable care throughout the fee-for-service Medicare program.
As per Blum’s remarks, CMS is poised to experiment with innovative approaches to establish benchmarks for the upcoming generation of ACO models. Additionally, Blum elaborated on CMS’s intention to enhance the alignment of its fundamental programs, particularly as quality metrics take on greater prominence in the healthcare landscape.
For MSSP ACOs, this focus on quality measures reinforces the urgency for preparing to meet the CMS-mandated 2025 deadline for reporting either eCQMs/CQMs for all patients, payers and health practices or Medicare CQMs for your specific patient attribution.
As we have highlighted before, achieving compliance could take up to 18 to 24 months.
To best meet these new reporting requirements, MSSP ACOs need to leverage solutions that enhance data aggregation and de-duplication capabilities, as well as implement a comprehensive performance review.
Thankfully, IMAT Solutions can help MSSP ACOs aggregate and integrate data from multiple sources in real-time for meeting the upcoming eCQMs and CQMs reporting and QPP submission requirements for:
• Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control
• Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-up Plan
• Controlling High Blood Pressure
For example, the IMAT platform enables MSSP ACOs to aggregate, validate, normalize, and effectively utilize all structured and unstructured data gathered from the participating healthcare community. It is also possible to output this data in a standard format that can be used for reporting, processing and analysis.
In addition, we have mapped IMAT’s capabilities to CMS’ “Reporting MIPS CQMs and eCQMs in the Alternative Payment Model Performance Pathway (APP)” quality reporting process.
For the whole data management process – from identifying to aggregating to applying and submitting – IMAT offers comprehensive solutions for achieving the full spectrum of compliance.
Are you ready to meet the CMS-mandated 2025 deadline for reporting either eCQMs or CQMs for all patients, payers and health practices? Now’s the time to get prepared, and IMAT can get you on this path to compliance! Contact us today!
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